Chillventa 2024 – A Difficult Decision

Geopal with Ergocool at Chillventa

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Chillventa has always been a significant event for us at Geopal. It’s a time when we eagerly connect with industry peers, engage with partners, and dive into the latest advancements in refrigeration and gas detection. This year, however, we have made the difficult decision to forgo our participation.

2024 has been an exceptionally busy year for us, marked by considerable growth, including expanding our team and relocating to our new headquarters in Farum. As much as we were looking forward to participating in Chillventa, we recognized that it would be challenging to deliver the level of engagement and presence that we strive for without compromising our current commitments and the quality of our interactions.

Sometimes, making tough choices is necessary to maintain our focus and uphold the standards we set for ourselves and our customers. It’s a reminder that while we aim high, we must also be realistic about our capacities and priorities. We are genuinely disappointed to miss out on this opportunity to be inspired, reconnect with familiar faces, and meet new industry colleagues.

Here’s a cherished photo from a previous Chillventa event with Christian Møller and our valued partner Ergocool. It’s moments like these that highlight the importance of such events and remind us of the connections we cherish.

Although we won’t be at Chillventa this year, we remain committed to supporting our customers and partners. We are available to discuss refrigeration gases, detection systems, or any other inquiries you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us; we are here to help and look forward to reconnecting at future events. We eagerly anticipate the chance to engage with the industry again in two years.

We wish everyone a successful and enjoyable Chillventa!


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