Is your gas detector working as intended?

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When working among toxic, explosive, or flammable gases you want to make sure that your gas detector works as intended, so that it is not a false sense of security, which can have fatal consequences.

So, how do you make sure?
The answer to this is calibration gas, also known as test gas.

Calibration gas is used to verify that a gas detector is measuring correctly and is adjusted if the detector deviates from the calibration gas. A gas detector is calibrated by telling the gas detector the concentration of the specific calibration gas and then performing a calibration session on the detector. This calibration and test can only be performed when the concentration of the test gas in the bottle is known. We have many different calibrations gases and we supply test gas made according to your specification.

We recommend testing, service and calibration of your gas detection system a least once a year and after any repair or part replacement.

A service agreement with us or through our international distributor network ensures that your AGA system is maintained, and we ensure high uptime in your production by minimizing the risk of downtime and error alarms through continuous service – so you and your colleagues can work safely – every single day!

When was your last service inspection?


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