Hydrogen Sulphide H2S

Hazard pictograms

Flammable Gas under pressure Acute toxicity Hazardous to the environment Flammable Toxic

Hydrogen sulfide, also known as H2S, is an extremely flammable and highly toxic gas that can cause severe poisoning when inhaled. This colorless and poisonous gas has a characteristic rotten egg odor at low concentrations, making it easy to identify. However, at higher concentrations, the gas can numb the sense of smell, meaning leaks are often undetected until it’s too late.

Hydrogen sulfide typically occurs in sewers, manure and septic tanks, cargo holds with fish waste, and wastewater and biogas plants. Symptoms of inhaling this gas include headache, dizziness, and convulsions, which can ultimately lead to respiratory arrest and death.

It is therefore of utmost importance to prioritize safety and adhere to guidelines when working with hydrogen sulfide.

Application areas

Biogas Plants


Wastewater Treatment Plants


Geopal GP-NOVA Stand-Alone Detector

Geopal GP-BUS Detector

Geopal GP-ELK Stand-Alone Detector

Geopal GP-SA Stand-Alone Detector

Geopal GPU-45A Alarm Monitor

Blackline Safety G7c Lone Workers

Multi Gas Clip Infrared

Multi Gas Clip Simple

Single Gas Clip